mark your calendars: next wednesday, April 5th, 11:00 – 1:00 pm – artist talk

STACY SCIBELLI – Artist Talk, “Suit Yourself”
Wednesday, April 5th, 11:00 – 1:00 pm
Fine Arts Gallery

Blurring the boundaries between abstract art and wearable designs, Stacy Scibelli’s Work exemplifies the hybrid approach taken by many artists working in the 21st century. On Wednesday, April 5th from 11:00 – 1:00, Stacy will discuss her work in the gallery and the influences that have shaped her practice. Lunch is provided.


an invitation to contribute to international voices

Share your voice!

International Voices could not exist without the contributions of our talented students. If you are a Westchester Community College student, please consider submitting your own writing or artwork for the 2017 edition of International Voices. Faculty members are also encouraged to recommend exemplary student work for publication. All writing and artwork is considered although priority is given to material with an international or multi-cultural theme.

In your submission, please include the following:
o writers:  your writing in Microsoft Word, plain text, or RTF format with minimum custom formatting
o artists: a copy of your artwork in Adobe Photoshop (preferred) or JPEG (300 dpi) format
o A cover letter email that includes:

o   your name
o   the title of your work
o   your address, phone number, and email address
o   your mentoring professor’s name (optional)
o   your native country & language

Please submit your writing and/or artwork by email to Deadline for International Voices 2017 is February 28th, 2017.

finding myself through my college major


HOLLAND, Mich. — At some point during my freshman year in college, I went to a church in town with a friend. When the service was over, I stood up and an elderly man who sat in the pew in front of me shook my hand. I’m not sure I’d even gotten his name before he fired off, “So I suppose you’re from one of those Oriental nations, right?”

I was more shocked than offended. He’d meant it, I’m sure, without malice; I’d certainly heard worse before. I launched into a two-minute spiel about Where I’m Really From, trying to explain what it was like to be born in Montana, raised in Malaysia and going to college in Michigan. By the time I was done his eyes were glazed over and I was fumbling for the door.

Two winters later, my speech has changed. Ask me some variant of “So where are you from?” and I smile and shrug. Click here to read the full article.


How to Email Your Professor (without being annoying AF)

Every semester, I see the tweets and Facebook posts. My professor friends, they are annoyed. Their students do not know how to write emails, they say. What they really mean is that their students don’t know how to follow the conventions of email etiquette in the academy. I used to be exasperated by student emails too. Until I realized that there was a simple explanation for why they didn’t know how to write them — they’ve never actually been taught how.*

But now, clueless students have no excuse, because they can read this post. Profs, share it with your students. Students, share it with your friends. Or don’t, and be the one person in the class your prof enjoys receiving email from. Click her to read the full post.